Our clients love that we're Color Geeks.
Our practice of looking over each image for color & clarity before printingensures that you get the best quality out of every image.
Often clients simply say "Make it look great," and that's all that needs to be said.
We show respect to every customer and their work, and maintain lasting relationships with our clients.
We calibrate our system regularly, and all of our media is custom profiled to guarantee your print quality.
Our Production Line is Calibrated & Consistent
Printing with our custom profiled equipment guarantees the prints you order
Simply Amazing.
We set the color standard!
We are currently working with other Industry Leaders in Premium Media Manufacturingproducing custom color profiles used by professionals, studios, and consumers world-wide:
Pixels & Ink™ has been honored to provide Red River Paper Co.
color guides for their Epson ICC color profiles since 2012. These set the color standard for the entire RRP product line. What does that mean? That worldwide, professionals using many of the Epson line of printers with Red River-preferred profiles are calibrated to our color system at Pixels & Ink.Hey! Pretty cool.
Click Here to check out Red River Paper's Catalog
Pixels & Ink™ teamed up with Intelicoat® Technologies
(makers of Museo® Fine Art Media) since 2011 to produce Epson-based ICC Profiles for their entire product line. Professional photographers and artists the world over use Pixels & Ink's colors as the standard! It's a great honor to collaborate on their esteemed products.Click Here to check out Museo® products
When you print with Pixels & Ink,
You're getting the best, most lasting color.
Let us know which archival inkjet paper you want your images printed on and we'll get you a quote.