Image Capture / Digital Scans

Digital Capture / Art Reproduction

In-Studio Digital Capture:
$50 per piece

Bring your art to our Reno, NV location
Capture includes Digital Download with:
• Print-Ready, Color Corrected Files 
• High Res 100-400 MB TIF, JPG 
• Low Res JPG for web/email

• We offer Quantity Discounts for 10+ pieces

(Call for Quote $)

• Will photograph artwork with professional lights at your location
• Minimum hourly charge
• Includes same as above

Check out our PBS Feature on our Digital Capture Process:

Color-Corrected + Retouched* Scans

Includes Film or Flat Prints
$1 to $5 - (up to 5MB) Low Res  
$5 to $15 - (up to 20MB) Medium Res
$15 to $25 - (up to 50MB) High Res
$25 to $50 - (100-500MB) Ultra-High Res

"Why the price range?" 
~ Scans that require less correction and cleaning = less cost!
*dust and scratches digitally removed

Digital Retouching

 Project dependent. We work fast.

Typical retouching charges:
$5-$20 color balance, dust & scratches
$25-$50 dirty, discolored, torn images
$50-$150 glamour, swapping heads, commercial retouching 

Order In 3 Easy Steps

Print Orders for local pickup typically produced Same Day up to 2 days

Shipping Orders Produced and tracking supplied within 48 hours (M-F)

Canvas Wraps and Mounted Prints
typically produced within 4-7 business days, project and production load dependent

Start Your Order